Razia's Shadow - O Concepts

Since I'm trying to build my visdev portfolio, I figured I'd start making a project based on one of my favorite "musicals" - Razia's Shadow. It's a unique little musical romp that I listen to at least once every few months.

To get the ball rolling, I've been conceptualizing the godly O the Scientist, the creator of the world of Razia. He's a gentle, wise soul with great power and deft hands.

This is the final sketch I came up with for O's design. His massive beard hides most of his puny body and physically separates him from his coterie of angels, but it also adds a bit of humor to his design, making him seem more approachable and nonthreatening despite his facial hair barrier.

I made several other sketches, of course, but none of them seemed to nail what I was going for like this one. In the end, he needed a soft, gentle face and a vague otherworldliness to his.

The topmost one of these is the first sketch I'd done of O, and the last one is the last before I was happy with his design.

I had so much fun designing O that I had to stop and remind myself to calm down sometimes.


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